C-Suite candidates prepare for an interview

Hiring for a C-Suite position must be met with a thorough understanding of what the company needs from someone in that role. The organization must take proper stock of what led to the vacancy and what is needed to properly lead that sector of the business. There are plenty of potential reasons for a vacancy. Some are within a company’s control and others are not. Should a C-Suite employee choose to do something different, all the organization can do is wish them well. 

However, there can be instances where the person in the role — qualified as they may be — is not able to meet the company’s needs. This scenario is avoidable, and keeping it from happening to your business begins with the interview questions you ask. From the very start of your conversation you can make the needs of the role clear, resulting in a fruitful search with an exemplary hire for your company. Read on for a few key questions to ask.

1. “What is Your Vision for Our Company?”

This may seem like a bit of an obvious interview question. However, don’t let that diminish its importance. You will be able to discover a great deal about your C-Suite candidates by how they answer, regardless of how predictable the question may seem. 

You will quickly find out how much the candidate prepared for the interview. Have they considered how they could be instrumental in advancing the company towards stated goals? Have they thought about how they can expand on those goals, possibly creating a better vision than before? You will quickly have an understanding of whether or not this candidate will fit within your organization by asking this simple question.

2. “How Do You Lead?”

It is critical that you have a full understanding of what your C-Suite candidate’s leadership style is so that you can determine whether they will be able to fit the culture you wish to have for your organization. Change is inevitable when you are making a hire of this magnitude, but it is important that those changes are made in a way that gets your employees to buy into them. You can’t bring on someone who will immediately alienate your staff even if you and the candidate are aligned on vision. It won’t matter how great their ideas might be if they are unable to effectively lead employees to that vision, making them a poor fit for your company.

3. “How Do You Manage?”

This is not to be confused with a C-Suite candidate’s leadership style; this is all about how they delegate responsibilities. Do they tend to maintain control over all aspects under their supervision? Maybe they give you the sense that they are true delegators. This question may raise fewer red flags but it should spur a conversation. Leadership is about inspiration, while management is more about results. Will the candidate’s management style fit what is needed both now and in the future? Ask them.

Find High Quality C-Suite Hires with Penta Search Group

If your organization is searching for quality C-Suite recruits, Penta Search Group can provide excellent candidates from the consumer products, life sciences, food and beverage or chemicals sectors. We recruit based on our own internal values, finding quality individuals who will strengthen our clients and fit well within their organizations. Get in touch with us today so we can help you find the right C-Suite candidate for your unique organizational needs.